TravelManagers and Hoot Holidays’ Christmas Elves Help Sydney Families in Need
While most Australian’s enjoyed their Christmas surrounded by family, swapping presents and indulging in a feast fit for a king; for Sydney’s homeless, poor and at-risk families, Christmas was not necessarily a time of joy.
But thanks to the generous support of TravelManagers and Hoot Holidays who collectively donated over 200 cans of food to Sydney’s Exodus Foundation’s Christmas can drive, food parcels were delivered to disadvantaged Sydney families bringing some much-needed Christmas cheer.
TravelManagers’ Product Executive Sandra Reucker, organized the can donation for its fourth consecutive year.
“I was thrilled with the support received from my fellow national partnership office and Hoot Holidays teams. We collectively donated over 200 cans with a value of approximately $700, which included items of request such as casseroles, spaghetti, baked beans, tuna and pasta. The Exodus Foundation do such wonderful work within our community and it’s such a privilege to know that our contribution helped bring a smile to some of Sydney’s disadvantaged families, even if it was for just one day,” says Sandra.
TravelManagers’ Executive General Manager Michael Gazal, applauds Sandra’s commitment to The Exodus Foundation.
“TravelManagers’ philosophy of giving back to the community mirrors our business philosophy of going the extra mile. The opportunity for our team to do something that benefits those in need within our local community really sums up the culture of TravelManagers and we are extremely proud of that.”
The Exodus Foundation supports those in need throughout Australia, not only at Christmas time but 365 days a year. To donate or to find out more about how you can help, please go to: https://donations.exodusfoundation.org.au/donate-today