Record-Breaking June Lures Prospective Personal Travel Managers
Featured photo: TravelManagers Australia’s Chief Operating Officer – Grant Campbell
Having experienced record-breaking sales in May, TravelManagers is continuing its post-pandemic upward trajectory with the announcement of its busiest ever June sales figures.
Chief Operating Officer, Grant Campbell, reports total sales per PTM were up 51 percent on June 2019, with the average booking commission per PTM over the same period having increased by the same amount – the highest-ever average commission per PTM.
Campbell believes these significant increases in both sales and commission per PTM will entice many of those who hibernated their businesses during the pandemic to return to the industry they love.
“The concept of a home-based personal travel manager is much more mainstream than it was three years ago,” he explains. “When many companies were scrambling to set in place the necessary systems to make this possible, we were already there.”
With seventeen years of expertise as a home-based travel network, the company is, according to Campbell, ideally placed to welcome established and former consultants who are considering a move to independent self-employment.
“We are already receiving considerable interest from consultants wishing to join the TravelManagers family, eager to advantage of the growing momentum of the travel industry’s recovery and the myriad benefits offered by our model.”